Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Forgiveness Project


Forgiveness…it looks like a fairly simple word, but then again, look closer and there are layers and layers of meaning to it. So, what’s exactly forgiveness? The Merriam-Webster defines the term ‘forgive’ as ‘to cease to feel resentment against (an offender)’. So, I ask myself this very question, “Can I really cease to feel resentment against a person who has really, really offended me?” Surprise! Surprise! ( I am being sarcastic here), quite honestly, the answer is a big NO.

It’s really, really tough to forgive. As a person, who feels rather strongly about even the smallest things, forgiving somebody for a really big let-down seems rather remote, in fact, downright impossible.  I was faced with a situation a few months back, where forgiveness was the only remedial measure that could make things right. There was just no other way out. So, my habituated Christian  brain that was so used to hearing about forgiveness every Sunday morning decided to just do it. But then again, just doing it was not as easy as just saying it. I tried and tried, but the anger, the hurt and the disappointment just followed me around. That’s when, I decided to look for answers in the one place that gives numerous options. Yes..I googled forgiveness. And I did get way too many answers. Oprah Winfrey, my all-time favourite talk show host, for one gave a very interesting take on the word ‘forgiveness’. She says “Forgiveness doesn't mean you condone the behaviour or, in any way, make a wrong right. It just means you give yourself permission to release from your past -- and step forward with the mud of resentment cleared from your wings. Fly!” Nice…so I decided to clear my wings of mud and just fly! Again, easier said than done. The concept of forgiveness is crystal-clear but it’s the execution that’s just so tough.

 It was, then, that I decided to look up the Bible for help with my forgiveness project. In Matthew 18:21-22, Jesus tells Peter, you just don’t forgive your seven times but seventy seven times. Very impressive, but is it at all possible, I wonder. As I prodded on, I came across a few other verses that gave me hope. In Colossians 3:13, Paul says, ‘Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.’ The verse talks of forgiveness as a choice that you make. God could have easily disowned this sinful world, but he chose not to do it. Instead, he chose to send his Son to deliver the message of forgiveness and redemption. In the same way, we have the choice to forgive and let go of grudges or hold on to them and disown those who hurt us.

Ok, I choose to forgive. But how do I do it even when I don’t really feel like it? It’s difficult with all the anger and hurt going around. That’s where faith comes to play. Luke 5:20 goes like this.  When Jesus saw their faith, he said, "Friend, your sins are forgiven." By faith in Lord’s ability to heal our hearts, we learn to forgive and accept others as they are. And if you need the strength of will to repair the broken strands of a relationship, our awesome God can give that, too. By strength from God ‘With God nothing is impossible.’ With faith you can not only move mountains, you can also get over hurt and disappointment. Again, if you require the will-power to forgive and forget, look up to the Lord, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (and my ever-failing will!) Yes, with the Lord’s help, all things are possible, including forgiveness.

All of us want to be forgiven for our sins, but we don’t forgive that easily. Sometimes, we do say ‘all is forgiven’ even as we nurse a tinge of anger in the heart. Yes…we are humans and its naturally to do so. But, it doesn’t need to be that way. Anger and hatred preys on our mental, physical, emotional health. The Bible shows the surefire way to forgive and free ourselves of the guilt, pain and hurt. Where we cannot work, God works!


Thursday, June 23, 2011

"Be still and know that I am God" - Psalm 46:10
Often times, when we have some kind of a problem, we pray saying, "God, help me, please." Then, we run around from pillar to post looking for a solutions. We become worried when we do not find one immediately. We are impatient. That's when its important to be still. The answer will come. His Will will be done. And everything's going to be just fine. Only we don't have time to wait. At this point, I must quote the great english poet, John Milton, who was blind but still wanted to serve the Lord. After expressing his anguish for not being able to serve the Lord, he says these marvellous lines, "They also serve who only stand and wait." So, it's really important to stand and wait for the Lord to answer your call.
It can really,really be tough. I am an impatient person myself. I hate to wait in a line. Let alone be still for an infinite period of time. But that's the way it works. I have experienced that in my personal life,too. Only way to endure the wait is to
1. Have faith in God's mercy
2. Hope
3. Believe that the Lord will do what's just right for you.
Yes...Be still...Trust in His wisdom. He will direct your ways.

Monday, November 22, 2010

The hand that lifts you up!

...He lifts me up, and is my refuge: my saviour, you will deliver me from iniquity.
2 Samuel 22: 3

I love God, but, I've never been a deeply religious person in the traditional sense. I've never quoted from the Bible at the drop of a hat. I've never said 'Praise the Lord' or 'Hallelujah' loudly during prayers. I am just a normal believer who talks to God when I feel the need or the desire to do so. That's how I've been through most of my life.
However, certain events that have occured recently in my life have turned my focus towards God a whole lot more. I've begun thinking a lot more about God and his role in my everyday life. As I think more and more on a day-to-day basis, I feel closer to God. I've come to realise that the true meaning of being 'religious' is to imbibe Godly values in your everyday life. In short, holding God's hand as I try to travel along the rough roads of daily life.
One thing that I and most of us encounter in everyday life is the fear of uncertainity. We are not sure how things will turn out tomorrow. Whether my child will turn out alright? Whether the boss will give me the promotion? Whether my health problems will resolve? Whether anything can go right in my life for once?
Life can be scary at times. When things do not always go as planned. When all your hopes are dashed and dreams are crushed. You feel so hurt that sometimes it's difficult to breathe. All of us have gone through tough times like this. But again, as the saying goes, it's important to get up and run the race even after you've fallen down hard. But, how do you do it, when you just don't have the strength to get up and face the world, face reality, face yourself anymore?
That's when you've got to hold the hand that's always waiting to lift you up - THE HAND OF YOUR GOD. The God who can give you the strength to get up and start running again. The Lord who can give you the mental and physical strength to get up and run. And believe me, this hand never fails to reach out and hold you. All you have to do is call on him and he's ever ready to lift you up and get you back on track once again. So, hold on to the hand and get set to run towards your goal with great vigor.